Here are a handful of fascinating, little-known facts about some of the weirdest creatures: Cow and their best collection of interesting facts.
- Cows have an excellent sense of smell. They can smell up to 5 miles away!
- Cattle are herbivores that eat vegetation such as grass.
- Cattle stomachs have four chambers which help break down what they eat
- There are well over 1 billion cattle in the world.
- Cattle are sacred in India.
- In deep mud, cows can run faster than horses!
- A cow has one stomach with four compartments. The rumen, reticulum, omasum and the abomasum.
- Cow are ruminates meaning they can digest food that can normally not be digested.
- Like a human’s fingerprints, no two cow’s spots are exactly the same.
- A cow is pregnant for nine months. A calf is about 90 pounds when it is born.
- There are an estimated 300 million cattle in India.
- Young cattle are generally known as calves.
- Like many other grazing animals cattle have one stomach which is divided into four compartments or chambers: the rumen, reticulum, omasum and abomasum. This allows them to digest grain and grasses most effectively.
- Cattle have almost 360° panoramic vision. This helps them to see predators coming from any direction. Enjoy the best collection of animals facts on our site to widen your knowledge.

- Cattle have an excellent sense of smell. They can detect odours up to five miles away. They can also hear both low and high frequency sounds beyond human capability.
- The cow is a protected animal in Hinduism, and Hindus do not eat beef. Cows are honoured at least once a year, on Gopastami. On this day cows are washed and decorated in temples.
- Mahatma Ghandi described a cow as “a poem of compassion”, also stating that “I worship the cow and I shall defend its worship against the whole world”.
- The meat of cows is widely eaten by people across the world. Cows' milk is also drunk and used to make other products such as cheese. Many people who consume animal products would like to choose products from animals kept in higher welfare systems. However welfare labelling on products can be confusing.
- Adult females are generally called cows.
- Adult males that are not castrated are generally called bulls.
- Cattle are red/green color blind.
- In the sometimes controversial sport of bull fighting, bulls are angered by the movement of the cape rather than its red color.
- Cattle are farmed for a number of agricultural products including meat and dairy products.
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